Many people have helped me get this website off the ground. A helpful conversation, an introduction, financial support, or coaching…I’m grateful for all of it.
I received a coaching fellowship from 4.0, an organization helping educational start-ups get off the ground. I’m grateful to my coach, Efe Odeleye, and my measurement & evaluation consultant, Destiny Shantell Woodbury. The fellowship also included a small monetary award that allowed me to purchase hosting for the site.
All of the following people have contributed their thoughts, comments, or other assistance that has made this project what it is and what it will become: Diana Artis of Olive Branch Educators, Karen Kelsey, Sahnzi Moyer, Nupur Israni, Cristina Macaraeg, Steve Balog, Rachel Fineman, Ishan Gupta, Benjamin Gravel, Luke Williams, Matt Hjertstedt, Chris Disimile, Tracy Chung, Brandy Williams, Raj Salhorta, and Liam Corcuran.
Finally, and most importantly, I couldn’t have done this without my partner, Chris, who has not only encouraged me in this project, but allowed me to take a pay cut in order to spend time developing SLISE!