Physics Resources

Under construction! We are just getting started on this page. Hopefully these links will give you a place to start as you begin connecting physics content to social issues.

Who are these resources helpful for? High school and college physics teachers.

This is currently a resource for teachers to learn about links between their science topics and social issues so that they can incorporate that link into their class in their own way. In time, we plan to add teaching resources, such as lessons, worksheets, labs, or other activities. We will also be adding a secure forum (membership required) so that teachers and content experts can discuss these topics with one another.

Table under construction! Common physics topics are listed in the first column of the table. The next column lists one or more social issues that relate to that topic. The third column lists resources to learn about the link between the science topic and the social issue.

Science TopicSocial Issue(s)Resources
Batteries/EVs (energy)social inequality and batteries/Evs1, 23
Batteries (energy)Environmental and Health impacts of Batteries1, 23
Soundsocial inequality and noise pollution1, 2, 3, 4, see annex 4
Temperature, HeatSocial inequity of extreme weather (heat)Socioeconomic Temperature inequity, Age Temperature inequity in Europe